Antenna Software




Antenna Design Freeware-- 1D and 2D arrays from MEI Software
Antenna Designing Software

Antenna Feed System
Modeling Software by Dan Maguire, AC6LA

Antenna Software
Antenna Design and Software

Antenna Software From QRZ
Coax Loss Calculator -- From M5AHJ
Cubical Quad Antenna Calculator
-- From KD6DKS
EZNEC Antenna Softwareby W7EL
EZNEC 3.0-- For for Windows 95/98/NT/200
Grating Solver Development Company
- Antenna Solver V1.1a and GSOLVER© V4.20a
Mac Antenna Master-- From Black Cat Systems
The MININEC Professional Series
-- Antenna Simulation Software for Windows
Nittany Scientific, Inc.
-- Antenna Analysis with the User in Mind
-- Polar diagram of your rotatable beam antenna~
Power Loss/ dB Calculator
_by W4SM
Quick Yagi
-- yagi auto-design, auto-optimize, modeling software
-- antenna programs for advanced quads, dipole ,skyhopper, discones and more. YagiStress-- "The Ultimate Mechanical Design Software For Antenna Designers.



Copyright 2013 by Individual Web Creations
Site last modified on
Thursday, May 16, 2013